Original title: Die Pathologie der Normalität
Romanian title: Patologia normalității. Contribuții la știința omului
Author: Erich Fromm
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Ruxandra Vișan
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2021
ISBN: 978-606-40-0948-7
Romanian title: Patologia normalității. Contribuții la știința omului
Author: Erich Fromm
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Ruxandra Vișan
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2021
ISBN: 978-606-40-0948-7

Original title: Experiences of Depression. Theoretical, clinical, and research perspectives
Romanian title: Experiențele depresiei. Perspective teoretice, clinice și de cercetare
Author: Sidney J. Blatt
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Vlad Vedeanu
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2024
ISBN: 978-606-40-2194-6
Romanian title: Experiențele depresiei. Perspective teoretice, clinice și de cercetare
Author: Sidney J. Blatt
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Vlad Vedeanu
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2024
ISBN: 978-606-40-2194-6

Original title: How Psychotherapy Helps Us Understand Sexual Relationships. Insights from the Consulting Room
Romanian title: Cum ne ajută psihoterapia să înțelegem relațiile sexuale. Insighturi din cabinet
Author: Cherry Potter
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Vlad Vedeanu
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2022
ISBN: 978-606-40-1668-3
Romanian title: Cum ne ajută psihoterapia să înțelegem relațiile sexuale. Insighturi din cabinet
Author: Cherry Potter
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Vlad Vedeanu
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2022
ISBN: 978-606-40-1668-3

Original title: The Development of a Therapist: Healing Others – Healing Self
Romanian title: Dezvoltarea terapeutului. Vindecându-i pe ceilalți – Vindecându-te pe tine însuți
Author: Louis Cozolino
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Mariana Băncilă
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2022
ISBN: 978-606-40-1458-0
Romanian title: Dezvoltarea terapeutului. Vindecându-i pe ceilalți – Vindecându-te pe tine însuți
Author: Louis Cozolino
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Mariana Băncilă
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2022
ISBN: 978-606-40-1458-0

Original title: A Game Free Life
Romanian title: Triunghiul dramatic. Noua analiză tranzacțională a intimității și a fericirii
Author: Stephen B. Karpman
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Ruxandra Rădulescu
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2023
ISBN: 978-606-40-1775-8
Romanian title: Triunghiul dramatic. Noua analiză tranzacțională a intimității și a fericirii
Author: Stephen B. Karpman
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from English: Ruxandra Rădulescu
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2023
ISBN: 978-606-40-1775-8

Original title: Ahnen auf die Couch: Den Generation-Code entschlüsseln und vererbte Wunden heilen
Romanian title: Strămoși pe divan. Descifrarea Codului Generațional și vindecarea rănilor moștenite
Authors: Ingrid Alexander, Sabine Lück
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from German: Vlad-Ion Pappu
Scientific review of Translation: Timea Müller, Cristina Schimdt
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2022
ISBN: 978-606-40-1283-8
Romanian title: Strămoși pe divan. Descifrarea Codului Generațional și vindecarea rănilor moștenite
Authors: Ingrid Alexander, Sabine Lück
Collection: Psychology and Psychotherapy
Translated from German: Vlad-Ion Pappu
Scientific review of Translation: Timea Müller, Cristina Schimdt
Book Cover Design & DTP: Faber Studio
Illustration: Adelina Butnaru
Technical: 145×205 mm, softcover with flaps, UV varnish, 3 PANTONE
Publisher: Editura Trei, Bucharest, 2022
ISBN: 978-606-40-1283-8